Channel: Cindy Holman » Conviction
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It’s Nice To Know


I have been saddened by some recent events surrounding social media.  You may have seen some things too.  Maybe you smile when you see these controversial things and say “YES!  Finally someone agrees with me!”  Or maybe you are more like me – and it makes you uncomfortable and even sad.

There is not one thing in particular in which I am referring.  It’s more about the spirit in which people go to make their opinion known.  Those who know better – or at least should.

As a Christian I am fully aware that everything that comes out of my mouth and everything written down – or passed along carries a heavy weight.  I represent the King of Kings.  His opinions, character, integrity, love, grace, forgiveness and yes – the other cheek.

Am I always aware when I have crossed that invisible line of being right – and yet at the same time – being judgmental?  No.  Not always.

Do I always admit when I’m wrong?  No.  I like being right.  But at what cost?

So when my husband received something forwarded to him in an email yesterday – it troubled me.  It was from someone we respect and look up to.  At first glance it had all the “rightness” that all of us calling ourselves “Christians” feel justified to pass along and pat ourselves on the back to say – “Wow – can you believe how wrong they are – and how right WE are?”    But the more I pondered it and chewed on it – actually for most of the night last night – it did not feel very good.

So you can imagine how wonderful it felt when Greg received an apology from this same person passing along this forwarded email.  He said “I felt convicted and had to apology – even write an email to this person whom the email is about and apologize for forwarding it”

It may not be a big deal – it’s not even anything that will change much.  But for me it was HUGE.  True conviction.  Unsolicited.  Unsung.  Insignificant.   Except – that it was.  It is a lesson for me.  To think first, be slow to react out of opinion and “rightness”.  To be open, ready to admit I’m wrong – when so often I am.  I am humbled that there are still men and women of true character – not afraid to look foolish in order to bring relationship.

And more than anything else in this day – it’s just so nice to know.

God Bless


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